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  您现在的位置: 广州市天河奥威特西服厂 > 首页
 标准版会员  活跃指数 42502   企业网址: http://OWT.goldpages.cn 给我留言 给我留言
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联系人:梁生 给我留言 留言
手 机:13602432802
传 真:020-82160683-808

       奥威特旗下推出"PRIVATE TAILOR" 品牌,为大学生量生订制专属自己的衣服。    


    AOWEITE Suits Factory is a modern production unit for design of modern suits. Our products cover all ages, all styles, and can meet the special requirements of group or company uniforms. For our new products we use our new technics, and the best material around China and abroad.The first objectify of AOWEITE manufacturing is quality, in order to get our clients satisfaction and trust.
    Our factory is equipped with a set of new machines from Japan. This can enable us to reach the standard set by our designers. Our showroom is also equipped with CAD,and CAM computer design equipment that works with the production unit to ensure the flow of the whole system. Our experience in Men and Women outfit has been very successful.
    Our President Mr.Ao, enjoys 20 years of experience in the field. From samples, sewing,and modeling, he has developed the ability to have everybody find his tailor made suits.
    According to our client needs, we associate quality, art and experience to get our finished product.         
    AOWEITE made suits will make you reflect the professional standard of what ever field you are.


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